Why do earthworms become many after being interrupted?

Why do earthworms become many after being interrupted?

Earthworm is a small animal often found in the mud, loosening the soil and also making food for many other animals.

In terms of taxonomy, earthworms are a type of low-level animal, they have a head, a tail, a palate, stomach, intestines and anus, all over their body like a patterned tube with 2 pointed ends.

Why do earthworms become many after being interrupted?

Earthworms have a special ability, if they are broken into two segments, not only will they not die, but after a few days they will turn into many perfect ones according to the number of broken segments.

The reason is that when it is broken into many segments, the muscle part at the broken place immediately shrinks and forms new cells to connect the wound, an undifferentiated cell part in the body quickly disappears. to "reinforcement", along with new cells forming regenerative sprouts.

At the same time, the cellular organization in the trachea, the visceral nervous system and the blood vessels in the worm's body, through the proliferation and division in large numbers rapidly in the regenerative germ. Before long, the headless segment grew a new head, the tailless segment grew a new one, an earthworm that had turned into many complete earthworms by the number of cuts.

The case where the broken earthworm turns into many complete worms is called "regeneration", in addition to worms, there are leeches that also regenerate. The lower the level of the animal, the greater the ability to regenerate.