What Happens When a Dog Plays With Calligraphy Ink?

What Happens When a Dog Plays With Calligraphy Ink?

It's a good thing this dog is so gosh-darn-cute because he made one heck of a mess for his owners to clean up.

What Happens When a Dog Plays With Calligraphy Ink?

It's a good thing this dog is so gosh-darn-cute because he made one heck of a mess for his owners to clean up.

What Happens When a Dog Plays With Calligraphy Ink?

According to the Imgur user (whose username is NSFW), this family went to the movie theater for three hours and came back home to this hysterical surprise, or a large nightmare-like-mess, depending on how you look at it. And when we say large...
We mean it literally covered all over...

What Happens When a Dog Plays With Calligraphy Ink?
What Happens When a Dog Plays With Calligraphy Ink?
What Happens When a Dog Plays With Calligraphy Ink?
What Happens When a Dog Plays With Calligraphy Ink?

But thankfully, the dog was in no danger. "It's traditional ink for Chinese calligraphy practice," the poster and homeowner said. "100% non-toxic to dog or human." 🙏
And apparently, it's easy to clean up with a mop. Even so, if you happen to have any calligraphy ink around the house, we suggest you keep it under lock and key.